
Sacrifice as a Price to Pay for a Bunch of Love

To be honest, it's not a big or good day in one side, but there's a big thing in another side. huge. something to learn. a thing called LOVE.
       Lately I have just figure it out, that Love comes free as a gift from God, but caused many things to my life.Ya, it's about the Love that I feel. But especially today, as I never expect before, I became a different person, because of Love.
       I believe, that Love is Understanding and Forgiving. However somebody you choose as a person who you loved must be somebody that you will understand and accept all the weaknesses inside him. The big or small things that could be the distortion of your relationship, you must be stand still, realize and with no complain to understand. He is only human as you, not perfect. It is about to fill the relationship among imperfection.

       Forgiving, is sometimes hard to do. I believe everybody had experience about this. But when Love comes over into your heart, Love will beat your ego. For whatever reason, Love will stay and apologize all mistakes did of your loved one. And for me, the reason is the Love itself. 
Love give us peacefulness and calm us down our ego.
Can you imagine someone with big ego to be in a relationship and make it feels like the hell. By appreciating each other, you two will feel free as bird, to choose your direction to go. 

       Love is pure, love is honest. Love is God's creation. That is the reason you prefer not accept Love, than destroyed it it with bad habit and point of view. Don't be a backstabber and cheater for love if you did not ready for it. Love is just be as you are, no pretending, honest to your partner and yourself.

       Love will never let yourself hurt your loved one and no hurting each other. If you still got menial appraisal of your partner, you definetely did not worth it to achieve a Love in your life. Love is about to take care of each other feeling. No matter what no matter how